UCF seeks expressions of interest for the dismantling, repair, removal and reinstatement of lightweight radio masts on behalf of Uganda Wildlife Authority in Queen Elizabeth National Park.
Uganda Conservation Foundation is a registered not-for-profit operating in Uganda. Our activities are focused primarily on supporting Uganda Wildlife Authority via practical, on-site interventions. UCF has received funds from CITES MIKE to conduct various works on behalf of UWA in Queen Elizabeth National Park and now seeks bids from qualified service providers to execute these works.
The overall project
UCF is managing the installation of a new, cross-park VHF network and control room in QE, that will result in park-wide radio coverage for rangers and wardens alike. This includes the purchase of new digital radios, solar power infrastructure for radio use/battery charging, a central control room and repeater stations in key locations. These repeaters are to be mast-mounted and these masts form the central basis for this small, sub-project.
Current status quo
As things are currently, there are three, lightweight masts of @20m height located in the following areas.
1)x2 masts in QE, behind Mweya Lodge.
2)x1 mast in the Rwenzori National Park, area near Kasese.
The masts are erected and will need to be taken down/dismantled prior to repair, repainting and removal to new sites. Required civil engineering works will therefore need to be done in advance of the re-erection.
Specific project outputs
All three masts are to be taken down, reconditioned and repaired/repainted as required and then the two tallest ones moved to two new locations (Queens Pavilion and Bweyentale in the general QE area) and re-erected using new guy wires and hardware. If not already fitted, some means of access by a technician to climb the masts safely, to maintain the repeater to be mounted later at the top, is necessary.
Contractual terms
This is a turnkey project, and includes all works to dismantle, transport, repair and reinstall, including all civil engineering works as may be required. Evidence that a bidder has previously worked for Uganda Wildlife Authority in a protected area is an absolute pre-requisite. This must also include confirmation that the bidder understands the rules and regulations of working in a protected area.
UCF will secure permissions from UWA for the winning bidder to enter and work unhindered in QE, provided the restriction clauses mentioned above are met.
Delivery schedule
Works need to be completed and handed over to UCF (and hence UWA) by the 15th December 2018.
Prices should be submitted in Uganda shillings and include any and all local taxes in force at the time of invoicing.
Site inspections
Bidders wishing to inspect the works sites may do so at their own cost and effort by liasing with the UWA Conservation Area Manager, Katunguru Headqurters, Queen Elizabeth National Park.
Bid submission
One hard copy of the full Bid pack in a sealed envelope stating “Bid for UCF Towers in QE” on the outside should be submitted to the UCF offices at 22 Solent Avenue, Mbuya by 5pm on the 20th November 2018. UCF prefers to deal with VAT registered companies and requires full TIN and VAT registration information to be included, evidence of WHT exemption (if applicable) along with full banking details, the financial priced bid on a separate sheet, a brief methodology statement (one page sufficient) and a short company capability profile and statement of UWA previous experience.
The work described should be guaranteed in writing within the bid document for at least 2 years.