UCF is saddened to hear of the death of Paul Allen, tech multi-billionaire and generous philanthropist. Whilst none of us at UCF ever met Mr. Allen in person, we did have contact with his organization, known as Vulcan Inc. Seattle-based Vulcan is the engine behind his network of organizations and initiatives. Empowered by his vision to make a positive difference in the world, Vulcan works to be a catalyst for change. Vulcan has committed to improving our planet through catalytic philanthropy, inspirational experiences, and scientific and technological breakthroughs. It looks at tackling some of the world’s hardest problems, by always asking: “What solution should exist that doesn’t?”

Vulcan comprises a unique group of professionals – from technologists to biodiversity experts to filmmakers to investors to research scientists to art curators – who thrive in the face of the challenge and opportunity to help solve big problems in unconventional ways. Indeed, closer to our home, the recently-completed UCF aerial survey of Queen Elizabeth National Park will soon be benefiting from some of Vulcan’s state-of-the-art image analysis software, as we explore with the Vulcan professionals and Uganda Wildlife Authority, innovative ways to protect and enhance Uganda’s extraordinary biodiversity. We hope and believe that Paul Allen’s legacy will continue long after his death. We offer our sympathy to his family, friends and work colleagues.